Coming of age is a film genre that focuses on the psychological and moral development of a protagonist as he or she grows from childhood to maturity. This genre, which depends on discourse and emotional reactions rather than action and drama, emphasizes personal growth and progress. We chose this genre because we believe it is one to which we can most easily identify, as it is something we have experienced and continue to experience. Because we are teens in the midst of growing up, this genre is the most readily accomplished with the tools we have at our disposal. We also believe that this genre will be valuable to us since we are most aware about it and can create characters who are as authentic as possible.
Knowing how other teens act and interact with one another will make it simpler for us to present a realistic character that is relevant to others of the same age. The intended audience for this picture, like with every coming-of-age film, is mostly teens and very young adults. To capture the attention of this generation, we must guarantee that the characters are as authentic and relevant as possible. Among the most well-known coming-of-age films are Ladybird, The Edge of Seventeen, Paper Houses, and others. They all have a similar plot and depict the hardships that teenagers face as they try to realize their true selves and grow up. As we go, we must develop primary characters, their challenges, and how those challenges will define them in the future.
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