Sunday, February 27, 2022

Breakdown of Scenes


Girl (16) is seen getting ready for an event (school, birthday, party, etc) establishing a shot of the room (with a calendar to show the date, 2005)  and surrounding area of where she is getting ready. Her phone keeps buzzing but she ignores it as she continues to get ready (show her picking her outfit, putting on makeup, spending a lot of time focused on how she looks to make it obvious she is getting ready for something special), but she is in a great mood- happy music playing. On her way out- she checks her phone and realizes there is an ongoing pandemic that might spread to her area. Once reality hits her, the music cuts out and she is shown in shock - cut to title. Credits on top of showing room / providing context and setting.


Begins with a girl getting ready for her birthday as her phone is blowing up. She assumes it is birthday messages from her friends and ignores it. She goes outside and it looks abandoned and gloomy. She walks out and gets locked out of her house, her mom yells at her to come back in and discusses the situation very seriously. 

Breakdown of Scenes:

  1. Establishing shots- cuts of showing pictures, lamps, posters, extra details, etc. - potential animation, music 

  2. Arm hitting alarm and turning it off. 

  3. Getting clothes, outfit to get ready

  4. Goes to bathroom (still not fully shown) and slams door

  5. Door sound transitions to sound of shoes dropping and her half ready now

  6. Clips of her getting ready with phone buzzing out of control

  7. Acknowledges phone, turns the ringer off, walks away

  8. Continues getting ready

  9. Grabs stuff and is about to leave/leaving

  10. Walking through her house to leave (news on in background) - sees stash of TP, lysol, etc.

  11. Looks at phone (message from friend “turn on the news” editing)  -> sees abandoned looking neighborhood

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